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Education and outreach are complementary,

but have different goals.

Our educational activities are directed toward various health care professionals including students. Introducing TILT early in a student’s training and educating physicians and other health care professions will help them recognize this phenomena which has not been part of their formal training. Our resources can assist health care providers in helping identify and treat their patients.

The aim of our outreach efforts is to widely disseminate knowledge about chemical intolerance and TILT the general public and specific groups that would benefit from knowing the symptoms, resources, and prevention of chemical intolerance and TILT.

Our audience includes those with chemical intolerance, physicians, dentists, architects, building contractors, victims of catastrophic pollution exposure such as hurricane aftermath or first responders to a disaster, war veterans exposed to various chemicals, and other industrial occupational exposures.

Our outreach efforts are delivered through various digital media including short animated videos and resources delivered through our website, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, and other social media resources on the website. We are proud to be partners in outreach with the Institute for Prevention Research at the University of Texas health Science Center San Antonio