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Chemical Intolerance Self Assessment

Find out if you are chemically intolerant

The Chemical Intolerance Self-Evaluation below is a complete evaluation form for assessing chemical intolerance and includes the QEESI and a 7-item exposure history. You will receive an interpretation at the end and have the opportunity to save, printout, or email your results. This is designed for patients to bring to their doctors, or for doctors to give to their patients. Alternatively, on the right side, you can download the paper form of the QEESI.

Take the QEESI Questionnaire

The Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI) is a validated questionnaire for chemical intolerance and the most widely used screening instrument available for personal use. Researchers and clinicians around the world use the QEESI to document symptoms and intolerances. People who use the QEESI find it helpful for self-assessment. It’s also a useful tool for you to take to your doctor to explain your exposures and symptoms. Downloadable QEESI

Join the research

Future research participation

Join as a future research participant. You do not have to have chemical intolerance or be TILTed to join. By studying people with and without chemical intolerance we will further understand the underlying biological mechanisms that are responsible for chemical intolerance symptoms. If you are interested in participating as a future participant please contact us. Share your story and indicate you’d like to join the registry. Contact us to be a future research participant

Environmental House Calls

Our Environmental House Calls study demonstrated that indoor air quality was important in reducing symptoms of chemical intolerance. Homes of participants were assessed and inspected for TILT triggers. Recommendations for better air quality and removal of potential household triggers were given. In follow-up visits we determine if air quality has improved and if triggers were removed. We found that symptoms improved among the participants who improved indoor air. The results of this study are published and available here: Does improving indoor air quality lessen symptoms associated with chemical intolerance?.

Share your story

If you are TILTed, we’d like to hear about your experience. Was there a particular environmental exposure that initiated your illness? Would you be interested in joining a TILT participant registry?

Share your story


Our research can be advanced through your generous donation. How your donation will help us:

  • Develop a pipeline of knowledgeable health professionals who recognize and address the complex challenges people with TILT are facing.
  • Improve participants’ health by conducting Environmental House Calls to help us identify environmental triggers and recommend ways to reduce exposures.
  • Identify medical tests to help diagnose TILT and optimize treatment.

Donate today

Map of places where queesi test has been taken

Over 55,000 individuals have completed the QEESI as part of research.

Researchers in nearly a dozen countries have used the QEESI for assessing Chemical Intolerance.

View the map.

Listen to how these individuals describe their symptoms, which are triggered by chemicals, foods, drugs and that never bothered them before.